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Include Financial Health in Your Self-Care Routine


Updated: Apr 23, 2024

There are many misconceptions surrounding self-care. Common myths are self-care is selfish, temporary, only for women, anything lavish, and is the same for everyone. We all feel overwhelmed or stressed at times. And those feelings can be exaggerated in different seasons of life.

Now, more than ever, it may be critical to debunk these myths and understand the necessity of self-care. During this global health crisis, many have taken steps to work on their health. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational health are all connected. Self-care does not mean choosing between yourself and others, it means taking care of yourself. Then you can share the best version of yourself with others.

One of the best practices is recharging and connecting with those close to you. Self-care gives you the space to invest in your needs, address issues, and work on new habits. All with the goal of short-term and long-term benefits.

Self-care impacts your health and well-being. You may choose eating a healthy breakfast, exercising weekly, or annual physicals. Progress involves habits which meet our needs and provide space for reflection. A singular massage or bath or run will not likely have a profound impact.

Do You Have a Financial Self-Care Routine?

Consider addressing financial health in your self-care routines. There are benefits in taking time to assess your financial health. This could result in a money care-plan.

It takes time to assess your situation, think about what results you want to see, and plot a course to get there. But once you have a plan in place it can give clarity for each day and decision along the way. Whether your financial needs include building savings, growing wealth, managing assets, or developing a plan for retirement, consider working with a financial professional. People consult doctors for medical advice so why not consult a financial advisor about finances?

It is safe to assume we know money cannot buy happiness. Yet studies have shown financial health can bring peace of mind and body. Confidence in having one’s financial needs met can prevent stress and anxiety related to money problems. According to a survey by The American Psychology Association, most Americans say money is their number one source of stress.

The earlier you begin to address money issues the better. Don’t avoid it and put off your financial health. Start today.

Here are Some Steps to Start

  • Reflect on Your Relationship with Money. Consider the attitude you have about money. Or how you feel when making financial decisions. Are you prone to overspending? Do you allow yourself to spend? Do you take after your parents or try to stay on trend with peers?

  • Find a Trusted Advisor. With the guidance of someone who specializes in finance, you can get a look at your whole picture. They should know the ins and outs of what to look at, find potential weak spots. And they can recommend a tailored plan to help you reach your goals and stop worrying about money.

  • Perform a Cash Analysis. Check your bank accounts to get an understanding of your income and expenses. Review the fixed, recurring payments and the changes in your discretionary spending. Taking time to understand where your money goes can bring clarity.

  • Determine Short- and Long-Term Goals. Your money should work for you, not the other way around. If you are clear on your goals, you can break down steps to get there. Whether you need to start with emergency savings or cancelling debt or planning a date night or a long vacation. More things to keep in mind for your financial future could include higher education, weddings, building a dream home. Everyone has different dreams and values. Find a way to make your money work towards your personal goals.

  • Create Financial Plan and Budget. This world is not a one-size-fits-all. Neither are finances. If you want to plot out a plan so you can reach your goals and retire the way you want, a plan can help you get there. You can start with automating bills, insurance checkup, editing subscriptions, or increasing income.

  • Reward Yourself. When people cheat on a diet, they may feel pleasure or guilt. There does not need to be a sense of shame in enjoying appropriate rewards. A celebration for moving forward with your goals can produce more motivation and energy to continue the right track.

  • Invest and Grow Your Assets. You work hard for your money and your money should work hard for you. Time is on your side with investing. The earlier you start, the more potential there is to grow wealth.

Your financial health is important to your overall health and wellbeing. Like taking care of your mind and body, self-care with money is prudent. It requires time and energy, but the payoff may be a strong financial picture you can be confident and excited about.

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